Skid steer mounting plate. |
Fits most/all skid steer front loader hitches. |
40-95 hp requirements. |
Makes it compatible with many popular smaller sized skid steers and tractors in use today. |
Dual adjustable height grader blades. |
Allows the grader to be adjusted to desired amount of cultivation, leveling, and grading action. |
3-Position scarifier shanks. |
Allows shanks to be adjusted to two depths or above ground. |
Ripping-Only Functionality |
Frame geometry gives the user the option to solely use straight shanks, reducing horsepower requirements when the surface requires multiple ripping passes. |
Reversible heat treated high carbon steel grading blades. |
For excellent wear resistance and long service life. |
Hardened straight shanks. |
Assures long service life. |
Full length heavy duty skid shoes. |
Makes for easier operation and long unit life. |
Replaceable and reversible skid shoes. |
Extends the life of the skid shoes. |
Heavy duty frame construction. |
Assures long lasting reliability and performance. |